01 August 2012

Missing out

Bushes overseeing juno beach, Florida.Read my travelogue and more pics.
I made myself a promise to post an image, as a bare minimum everyday. For Monday, i missed out. Office schedules, priorities couldn't be moved, though i tried my best. Nevertheless, i kept a track and decided to  post an additional one, this morning for that. 
Lately, i have been getting better at managing my posts, writing regularly and posting frequently than ever before. In the past few weeks, I have written a post everyday, on an average and shared more than 50 images. I have also been working on getting the blog positioned at the right segment, reaching to right set of audience. I want to get to the photographers, people who love to shoot and share, enjoy art. I am also looking to connect up with folks who blog regularly,rather(even better) daily. I have been looking for feedback from most of the folks on the blog, as an appeal through my blog posts, and participation across blogging community, but have not had much luck yet. 
Though a good sign has been a decent amount of traffic inflow. More posts are being read, the reach has started to open. Again, i am very much open to hear from people, on what can be done to make the blog better. Do suggest if you know of some great daily blog. share your own blog, so that we can connect up.

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