08 June 2020

A night before the big test

A night before Solutions Architect associate certification

I am finally taking the AWS Test Tomorrow. Its the SAAC-01, Certification for Solutions Architect- Associate. 
It's a big test for me.
I have been preparing for the test now for 4 weeks. I can confidently say that the level of dedication that has gone into preparing for this Certification has even surprised me. It reminds me of the time of studies during the time of graduation.
Late-night studies, Logging hours and hours of studies, Researching, Digging deep into concepts, using multiple analogies to drive home the concept, and using examples of code, debugging to understand things inside out.

The Journey for SAAC-01 has been also highly rewarding, even though a bit exhausting.

Tonight, as I plan to go to bed early so I get a good night's sleep here are few thoughts which run through my mind, and I want to capture them as-is so they can be even more relevant tomorrow when there is also an outcome.

  1. I am nervous. A bit. I guess that's because a test eventually gives results in a binary fashion and there is outcome attached to the effort. 
  2. I am also highly confident. I didn't prepare for this just to pass the test, but to really gather knowledge so It gives me innate confidence.
  3. I am overwhelmed with the emotion of thankfulness towards my family, Dipti my wife, and Umika, my 10-year-old daughter. The past 4 weeks have been a crazy ride, where I have spent an extraordinary amount of time towards my preparation and they have provided amazing support. It reminds me of my parents who would just abstract every job away from me, so all I have left to do is study and do it well.
  4. I am also astonished when I look back at my time log sheet in my office. This is the sheet I log hours every day which I spend every day towards my studies. The number of hours I have been able to extract out from these 4 weeks taught me that if you set your mind to do something, there is enough time on hand. I will publish the exact time log tomorrow.
I plan to close the day with a lite revision of my notes(I will be sharing those as well) and then look forward to tomorrow.



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