05 September 2008

Need Inputs-A new change, a new name

Its been ages since i started using my blog for writing out my feelings and talking to the world outside. I still have those memoirs of the website and the excitement it created for sometime among my friends at college, and around the town getting huge hits and lot of emails of congratulations and Kudos. I took to publicising the website, used that odd friends cyber cafe and posting a note there to put small advertisements across the local free ads.
but now, as this is a different genre and lot has changed, this is the time when i am getting back to writing to my blog and preparing to commit that i write daily.
Also this is the time when learning out of my management studies and corporate boardrooms, I am planning to launch a monthly journal on business management and wide spectrums to it. I am not sure how much readership i currently have and how many inputs do i get for this, but i am looking for name for my Journal. Any suggestions. Please feel free to suggest a name also write to me what according to you would be an ideal read in a business management journal, if i could call it so.

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