27 July 2012

Troops scramble, gears shift, strategies change.

A Morning shot at a hotel in Bremen, Germany.

Friends, Change is the only constant. I am firm believer in the same.
I am changing some strategies and merging couple of my blogs into the primary blog saurabhmittalphotography.blogspot.in.
 Since few years, i was trying run different threads of daily photo blog and an extensive photo blog for photo essays and travel, but time has come where these paths have to meet. 
I am hoping that this would help me focus better, and also the same for all the readers and followers who have been reading and viewing my content.

Its my birthday today, so not a better date to keep track, remember and initiate this change. Also, for a change, rather than gifting myself anything, i am making this resolution. Resolve to post some thing everyday, and also continue to post photo essays and travel reports as appropriate and time goes by. Hopefully, i should be able to stick to it, else, next birthday, i would gift some thing to me instead.
Jokes apart, during my blogging journey yet, I have had lot of friends who have supported the posts, and shared their inputs via the social channel or in person. I also want to take time to thank each one of them and would seek their feedback further as well. I also want to thank people who read through my posts earlier, and wish that they drop in with their inputs, on what else would they like to read or what would make it better. 
  Without support, feedback and directions, one is like sailing in the middle in the ocean, not knowing their location, direction, situation and are lost. I am happy that atleast i have all my instruments working well, in the cockpit.

So, keep plugged in. This is turning to be more fun, much more photographic and lot of work. This is turning into a daily photography blog, with lots of action come our way.

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